Example sentences for: decentralization

How can you use “decentralization” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Probably the most important reform was the least glamorous: the decentralization that increased regional autonomy and reversed the age-old trend of concentrating political, economic, and administrative power in the national capital.

  • Now European telecoms and communication bureaucrats spend their energies on blocking innovation and searching for ways to monopolize a new enterprise whose entire soul is decentralization.

  • As Nicholas Lemann observed in the November Atlantic Monthly , American public schools are "rhetorically committed to decentralization" but in fact are "centralized in a patchwork, undeliberate way.

  • Libération called for "a political solution that necessarily requires a radical decentralization.

  • The McChesneyite critique of big media misses the long-term trend that started with Gutenberg and is accelerating with the Internet: As information processing becomes cheaper, so does pluralism and decentralization, which comes at the expense of entrenched powers--government, the church, the guild, nobility, and the magazines and TV stations that Big Media God Henry Luce founded.

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