Example sentences for: decamped

How can you use “decamped” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • The executive branch clearly wasn't big enough for the two of them, and Kennedy wisely decamped for his successful Senate run.

  • With prospects dwindling, the founders themselves decamped for Guthrie, the territorial capital.

  • After a long and contentious residence at the University of Southern California, the Arnold Schönberg Center has decamped to Vienna, the city of the 12 tone composer's birth.

  • When she decided to leave the show, her character got killed in a plane crash, and the guy playing Roman decamped, too, to be replaced by another actor about 10 years younger, six inches taller, and built like the ex-baseball player that he was.

  • The event led Miranda to lose its bishop, who decamped to the safety of Bragança.

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