Example sentences for: debunk

How can you use “debunk” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Huntington, who set out in 1993 to debunk the New World Order, is suddenly talking like Boutros Boutros-Ghali!

  • While fretting about what will happen if Harris succeeds, fertility experts simultaneously debunk that scenario.

  • These critics even lied about the results of their own experiments--which did not "debunk" the Bible code.

  • For instance, they debunk the long-standing myth that the Internet was created as a test to see if computer networks could be designed to survive a nuclear war.

  • Lind means to debunk "minimal realism," the argument that the United States should do only those things in the world that it really has to do, because the great evils it must avoid are overextension and overcommitment.

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