Example sentences for: debauchery

How can you use “debauchery” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • The Temple of Saturn doubled as state treasury and center of the December debauchery known as the Saturnalia, pagan precursor of Christmas.

  • For more than a month, Clinton's debauchery and deceit have consumed journalists' attention.

  • The second Studio 54/disco movie of the summer is pronounced "tacky, tiny and about as seductively nostalgic as those videotapes of your cousin's wedding" (Kehr, New York Daily News ). The film's weaknesses: 1) a moralizing story line--"a cleaned-up version of The Rake's Progress " (Jay Carr, the Boston Globe ); 2) poor acting from leads Ryan Phillippe and Neve Campbell; 3) cramped sets that fail to convey Studio 54's extravagance and debauchery.

  • The article depicts debauchery of every kind, all involving alcohol or women or both.

  • A particularly talented Reverend Pecksniff actually averted the destruction of his empire with a tele-tearful explanation that his debauchery was sacrificial and in the line of duty: It was on-the-job training for hand-to-hand combat with the devil!, he explained.

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