Example sentences for: debased

How can you use “debased” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Rosenman even dipped into the 12-tone techniques revered by the very high priests of modernism who thought his profession was debased.

  • Which of the following are actual Tina Brown rationalizations for her magazine's slide into darkness (quoted by New York Times writer Alex Kuczynski), and which are amusing digs at a debased editorial philosophy built around fawning over celebrity?

  • I believe the majority of Americans, if they think about it at all--and keep in mind that the ones who think about it are also the ones who take the time to vote--think that our cultural life has coarsened, or even debased, and that the sense of "values" that just 30 or even fewer years ago meant that the majority of Americans felt no need to lock their doors has been, perhaps irretrievably, lost.

  • Her writing since certainly confirms that rock 'n' roll was not her ideal subject, but the idea that the value of her provocative thoughts is somehow debased by her candor about her personal life, or by her willingness to appear topless on the cover of her book, is hilarious.

  • It is well known that once-ordinary words for farmers or people of low birth became debased through class contempt-- knave, villain, boor , and churl are only a few examples.

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