Example sentences for: daytrips

How can you use “daytrips” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Many visitors take organized daytrips of the region from Havana hotels, but an overnight stay in Viñales — overlooking the valley — is highly recommended.

  • If you want to see and learn what makes Cuba a fascinating place, though, you’ll need to escape for at least a couple of daytrips.

  • Two of them — to Yokohama and Kamakura — are daytrips.

  • The mountainous country to the east, reached via a lovely drive past Bunyola, is a favorite with hikers and walkers based at the tiny village of Orient or on daytrips from the coast.

  • Until recently, most visitors — counseled not to attempt to drive the island’s difficult roads — hopped aboard bus daytrips that took in the main attractions.

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