Example sentences for: dashing

How can you use “dashing” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • She flirted with one dashing boy, but she had no dowry to speak of and his parents got worried and made him move away.

  • When skirts did not sweep, they molded the figure to well below the knee; dashing cuffs, collars, and stoles did the sweeping.

  • They only have to remember to let enough of their face show and not to let the hat flatten them on top, so that their full-sized, shapely head and speaking eyes will support the hat's dashing impact, and the hat itself won't appear to jam a lid on the body's expressive means.

  • Burton relishes squirting blood in this know-it-all's face: Ichabod is the movie's dashing hero and also the butt of its jokes.

  • Oddly tender, he nonetheless takes his Galahad act to the point of psychosis, dashing off with gun cocked the instant he hears of a damsel in distress.

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