Words similar to anaesthetic
Example sentences for: anaesthetic
How can you use “anaesthetic” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:
Indigenous Mayans and inhabitants of Eastern Nicaragua use Caspicum frutescens for fever, respiratory problems and infections [ 59 53 ] . Capsaicinoids are powerful skin irritants [ 54 ] . Capsaicin is a vanillylamide with hyperemic and anaesthetic properties [ 39 61 ] . It causes vasodilatation, enhanced permeability and has antiinflammatory and neurotransmitter activation properties [ 61 ] . Capsicum species have inhibitory effects on Bacillus species, Clostridium species and Streptococcus pyogenes [ 59 ] .
The medication drugs given to the patients before surgery (nitroglycerin, β-blockers, calcium antagonists) and the anaesthetic treatment (drugs, mechanical ventilation) may have interfered significantly with the cardiovascular function and the haemodynamic data recorded at the four time points of the study [ 23, 24, 25, 26, 27].
His own viewpoint might be termed the anaesthetic approach: As long as a fetus isn't conscious of any pain--isn't, in his terms, a "sensate, aware creature"--it's OK to kill that fetus.
The chloroform extracts of branches of Piper auritum and Piper guineense inhibit growth of Candida albicans , Cladosporium cucumerinum and the pathogenic fungus Basidiobolus haptosporus [ 92 117 ] . These results indicate a possible use of this plant extract in the treatment of subcutaneous phycomycosis in humans and animals [ 117 ] . Piper species contain lignans, benzoic acid derivatives, flavonoids including the dihydrochalcones (asebogenin) and the alkaloid piplartine-dimer A [ 61 118 ] . Asebogenin may have antiplasmodial activity [ 118 ] . The piperamides (cepharadione A and B) from Piper auritum possess antifungal and anaesthetic properties [ 61 ] . Dogs may be bathed with various Piper species to remove external parasites.
However, most experts feel that dehydration in the last hours of living does not cause distress and may stimulate the release of endorphins and anaesthetic compounds that promote the patient's sense of well being [ 81 82 83 ] . Low blood pressure or weak pulse is part of the dying process and not an indication of dehydration.