Example sentences for: allude

How can you use “allude” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • It did allude to the Bisek matter, saying: "Rumors of an ongoing affair between the remarried Newt Gingrich and a female staff member of then-Congressman Steve Gunderson (R-Wisconsin)* reached HUSTLER from more than one inside source.

  • By the late nineteenth century, these uses of great and small became obsolete, but to go great guns continued to allude to the loudness, forcefulness, and large size of long-ago cannons and still means to `proceed with considerable momentum, to go full steam ahead, at full bore.

  • .. to allude to an unfortunate habit which Prof.

  • Although Grafton does not mention the fact, or even allude to it, his book appears at a momentous time in the life of the footnote.

  • ' Charles Stedman's History of the American War described, “It is to the famous Mischianza that we allude, or festival given in honor of sir William Howe, by some of the British officers at Philadelphia, when he was about to give up his command to return to England.”

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