Example sentences for: advocating

How can you use “advocating” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • After the election, Holbrooke wrote a memo to Warren Christopher and Anthony Lake advocating the strategy known as "lift and strike"--lifting the arms embargo that prevented the Muslims from defending themselves, and bombing the Bosnian Serbs.

  • Critics accused the group of advocating a return to patriarchy.

  • DOD has recognized the nature of this problem and has taken steps to address it, including advocating the use of best practices for product development from commercial companies.

  • Those who didn't advocate voluntary tubal ligation (I hope that was what you were advocating) thought religion was in order.

  • The Commission is specifically charged with assessing the effectiveness of the system for delivering legal services to low-income Missourians and assisting in advocating adequate funding for legal services.

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