Example sentences for: adviser

How can you use “adviser” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and National Security Adviser Sandy Berger lent credence to this theory by arguing that Putin has "two strands": on one side, his KGB years, and on the other, his years as a "democratic reformer" in St. Petersburg.

  • Because there's another adviser to George Bush by the name of Myron Magnet, who says there are lots of jobs out there for blacks, but blacks just don't go after them.

  • In an editorial, it called for a root-and-branch restructuring of Israel's three intelligence services--Mossad, Shin Bet, and Military Intelligence--and the appointment of a prime-ministerial intelligence adviser to coordinate their work.

  • The only sign of life is a Latin American delegation where the minister could well be in love with his adviser.

  • Walsh quite rightly points out that his investigation was undermined at the outset by the congressional Iran-Contra committee's decision to grant immunity to Oliver North and White House National Security Adviser John Poindexter who, along with the conveniently deceased CIA Director William Casey, appear to have been the chief conspirators in the plot.

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