Example sentences for: advantaged

How can you use “advantaged” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • It seems to me this is a recipe for widening the gap between advantaged and disadvantaged students.

  • Health differences across social strata in comparison with the most advantaged group or an absolute standard suggest inequities in health [4,5].

  • As such, socially and economically disadvantaged families, traditionally at higher risk for these two adverse pregnancy outcomes, may be less able to be purchase a fish license in comparison to more advantaged families.

  • They state that policy decisions for the fair distribution of ARVs should be based upon the following ethical principles: (i) the principle that like cases should be treated alike, (ii) the utilitarian principles of maximizing overall societal benefits, (iii) the egalitarian principles of equity (distributing resources, such as health care, equally among different groups), and (iv) the Maximin principle (which prioritizes individuals that are the least advantaged) [24].

  • Afterward, a vast, subtle conspiracy arranges to hold you back in favor of those more advantaged by birth.

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