Example sentences for: advances

How can you use “advances” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • The moral is that the Coens might actually be able to make further artistic advances if they shackled themselves to the evil studio system.

  • But thanks to advances in mining and petroleum technology, other areas of the state can be safely developed, leaving only a minuscule "footprint" on the environment.

  • As the next chapter shows, the changes now under way have their roots in new technologies, just as technical advances in transportation and communication shifted the industrial landscape at the end of the last century.

  • Although someone might reasonably characterize one's own behavior as “flirting,” for example, it is unlikely that a person would report “making sexual advances,” except facetiously.

  • Though DiCaprio has gone out with a string of models and actresses, including Liv Tyler, Claire Danes, Juliette Lewis, and Kate Moss, a friend says he is no snob and that a woman doesn't have to be famous to merit his advances.

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