Example sentences for: administratorshall

How can you use “administratorshall” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • (iii) Notwithstanding the provisions to the contrary in section 453, the Administratorshall not allocate or record fifteen percent of the allocation amount under section 453(a) for such year.

  • - (1) For the emission limitation programs under this title, the Administratorshall allocate annual allowances for an affected unit, to be held or distributed by the designated representative of the owner or operator in accordance with this title as follows -

  • (iii) Notwithstanding the provisions to the contrary in section 453, the Administratorshall not allocate or record fifteen percent of the allocation amount under section 453(b) for such year.

  • - Not later than 12 months after November 15, 1990 , the Administratorshall promulgate regulations or interpretive rulings to revise requirements under section 111 and parts C and D, as appropriate, to facilitate projects consistent in this subsection.

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