Example sentences for: adjustable

How can you use “adjustable” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • 1) there are no adjustable parameters.

  • The (adjustable) assumption of this paper is that the Postal Service's cost for doing the workshare work is 6¢ and that 100% of this 6¢ is passed through into rates.

  • So I opted instead for an adjustable circumference version, a little strip of vinyl with snaps for $11.

  • The pharmacokinetic approach that seems to be currently favored for anesthetics is to use a general multi-compartment fit rather than a PBPK [ 41 55 ] . In this approach, the data is first fit with a multi-exponential function that is then interpreted in terms of exchanges between a central compartment (the vascular system) and an adjustable number of peripheral compartments (a "mammillary" system).

  • Even though the present study was conducted on a real-time ABI 7700 Sequence Detector instrument the strategy can be easily adapted for a simple fluorescence plate reader coupled to an adjustable heating block.

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