Example sentences for: adele

How can you use “adele” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • But the upward-mobility drama of Ann and Adele may be a nearly impossible act to follow; Jane and Mary don't even try.

  • Ann and Adele, products of the claustrophobic 1950s, fought and clung to each other and never found their man.

  • Although Dr. Spritzer's reluctance to get enmeshed in Adele August's life is presented in both book and movie as entirely rational, given Adele's extreme neediness, both emotional and financial--Ann can't wait to be old enough to leave home--there is also the sense, in both the book and the movie, that Dr. Spritzer is a little bit of a jerk.

  • The style is naturalistic; the plot is your basic love triangle, with a lesbian twist: Adele, whose butch forthrightness makes her an obvious stand-in for Stein, falls for a frustrating coquette, Helen, who returns her love but can't commit because she's already beholden to Mabel, a rich, withered-spinster type.

  • Here is how, in the novel, Adele August describes to her teen-age daughter Ann her first date with Dr. Spritzer (the scene in the movie is nearly identical):

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