Example sentences for: across-the-board

How can you use “across-the-board” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Many pundits--such as Tucker Carlson ( Late Edition ), Bob Novak (CNN's Capital Gang ), and Mark Shields ( Capital Gang )--think that the GOP caved to the Democrats on important budget issues, like tax cuts and across-the-board spending cuts.

  • The Washington Post also off-leads Kosovo but its lead is yesterday's signal from the House Republican leadership that despite recently endorsing a 10 percent across-the-board tax cut, it will no longer press very hard for it, because, says the paper, of stiff opposition from GOP members of Congress who fear the plan is too costly and politically risky because it smacks of favoring the rich.

  • The measure is artfully constructed to hide its full cost; big-ticket items, such as repeal of the estate tax and the alternative minimum tax and across-the-board rate cuts, aren't fully phased in until 2009.

  • Furthermore, this approach attempted to channel relatively strong outside support for combating terrorism into backing for across-the-board funding increases.

  • The paper says that Republicans quickly derided the plan as a big government strategy that unfairly preempts across-the-board tax cuts.

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