Example sentences for: acquainted

How can you use “acquainted” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • In 1729 Benjamin Franklin said a journalist ought to be qualified with an extensive acquaintance with languages, a great easiness and command of writing and relating things clearly and intelligibly, and, in a few words, he should be able to speak of war both by land and sea, be well acquainted with geography, with the history of the time, with the several interests of princes and states, the secrets of courts, and the manners and customs of all nations.

  • Hershey's spokeswoman says the actress is barely acquainted with the couple.

  • As a member of the Law Alumni Board (Board of Visitors) you are quite well acquainted with the programs, progress and problems of the law school.

  • In a 1757 letter Benjamin Franklin wrote, “I am glad Peter is acquainted with the Crown Soap business.”

  • He tells me that our brains store only a few visual traits about people with whom we are casually acquainted.

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