Example sentences for: acolytes

How can you use “acolytes” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • The site is utterly disorganized but lovingly maintained by Keyes' acolytes.

  • The burgeoning academic field--informed by both thoughtful race theory and liberal Caucasian guilt--has already spawned hundreds of acolytes; more than 70 books (according to the Center for the Study of White American Culture Inc.'s Web site); subspecialties such as white trash, suburban resentment, and mall ethnography; and a national conference, held at the University of California at Berkeley this April.

  • In the Roman Catholic Church, for example, women can function as acolytes (one of the minor orders of the diaconate) but may not be officially installed as acolytes.

  • From its earliest days, medical training was based on an apprenticeship model, in which junior acolytes learned the art from senior practitioners.

  • They burrow into the arcana of their topics and inundate potential acolytes with a barrage of pedantic details.

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