Example sentences for: acly

How can you use “acly” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • It is not clear why FUNG did not also up regulate transcripts, as LC-PUFA are generally reported to up regulate this isomerase [ 51 ] . The present data generally suggest LC-PUFA increased FA oxidation by down regulating Acly; and up regulating Cpt-1 and -2, Ech1 and Acadm.

  • Several genes that may contain SRE promoters such as SREBP-1 and Acly, and Elovl2 and Cd36, were found in the same cluster.

  • The Acly reaction enhances FA synthesis by providing more acetyl CoA and NADPH substrates and enhancing ACC activity.

  • As described above, Acly expression (and possibly ACC activity) was significantly down regulated by LC-PUFAs, likely leading to less FA synthesis.

  • In the cytoplasm, FA synthesis is controlled via Acly, acetyl CoA carboxylase (ACC), and Fasn.

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