Example sentences for: academically

How can you use “academically” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • They may not know much of the world, but they certainly understand what the high school rewards, and it ain't learning about Jefferson or Malcolm X. Indeed, the grand prize for doing well academically at public high school is to get you as far away as possible from it, to the Ivy League and its ilk.

  • (No need to go into the national scandal of schools going academically easy on their athletes and graduating dumb people.)

  • James Bryant Conant and Henry Chauncey play key roles, and clearly the effect of the shift to an exam like the SAT is to make it possible for those with fewer social advantages and who have not attended high-status prep schools to successfully compete for places like Harvard if they are academically able.

  • says Thernstrom: "Where are their control groups, demonstrating in some rigorous fashion that the equally academically strong, ambitious and discipline black student who attends the University of South Carolina instead of Oberlin does less well in life?"

  • There are many specialist fields represented in a dictionary--phonetics, semantics, morphology, phonemics, diachronic and comparative linguistics, symbology, typography, etc.--and the average dictionary user, whether he be a novelist or not is ill equipped academically to pass judgment on how a given dictionary has dealt with such areas.

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