Example sentences for: absurdly

How can you use “absurdly” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • 2) School violence is declining and has been absurdly overhyped.

  • You can be stuck on for anything from serious misconduct to minor infringements of the police's absurdly draconian and catch-all disciplinary codes, which make it possible for a senior officer with a grudge against a junior to stick him on for almost anything.

  • On a deeper level, though, it's hard to tell whether Altman means to communicate, "Hey, I'm just the pimp, I don't turn the tricks," or whether he's casting himself, absurdly, as some magnificently disinterested Sulzberger- or Graham-esque figure who refuses to compromise editorial integrity.

  • The harsh response to Rorty may have something to do with his penchant for gratuitous, con-baiting asides, such as the one in which he absurdly states that "we caused the death of a million Vietnamese out of sheer macho arrogance."

  • Humor is defined in the OED as that quality of action, speech, or writing which excites amusement and in MWIII as that expression of ideas in a happening, an action, a situation, or an expression of ideas which appeals to a sense of the ludicrous or absurdly incongruous.

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