Example sentences for: absorbers

How can you use “absorbers” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • For example, in the past FGD systems for 2,600 MWe stations included six absorbers; however, today these systems would likely be designed for four absorber systems, or approximately 650 MWe of boiler capacity per absorber.

  • Changes in FGD technology and reliability have resulted in planning for smaller and fewer absorbers per retrofit installation.

  • It is also clear that boiler capacities of at least 900 MWe can be served by a common absorber, and a minimum 10 percent reduction in engineering and project management labor will result from multiple absorbers being installed at a single site.

  • Often absorbers can be designed to accommodate site-specific requirements.

  • Typically, multiple absorbers will be installed sequentially with some overlap to conserve and schedule continuous use of labor, as well as keep associated installation costs down.

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