Example sentences for: absorbance

How can you use “absorbance” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • The wells were washed and bound HRP was detected using the test kit from Kirkegaard & Perry following the manufacturer's protocol, and the absorbance was read at 450 nm.

  • The concentration of antigen-specific IgG in standard serum was obtained by measuring the optimal amount of protein immunoprecipitated [ 16 ] , and a standard curve of absorbance against concentration was obtained (Fig.

  • The MTT assay is based on reduction of MTT by actively growing cells to produce a blue formazan product with absorbance at 575 nm.

  • Quantification of the relative amount of rhod-2 in the heart using absorbance measurements, was done by taking the ratio of absorbance at 524 nm (rhod-2 sensitive) to 589 nm (rhod-2 insensitive) which eliminated the effect of motion as both wavelengths would be equally affected by motion, though only 524 reflected the concentration of rhod-2 [ 7 ] . These wavelengths (524, 589 nm) were chosen as these were isosbestic points not effected by changes in absorbance of myoglobin induced by oxygen desaturation [ 7 ] . In solution maximal rhod-2 absorbance is at 554 nm.

  • Absorbance at 630 nm was measured spectrophotometrically in an automated plate reader.

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