Example sentences for: abridged

How can you use “abridged” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • The abridged edition of Eric Partridge's A Dictionary of Historical Slang gives more than five columns to idioms beginning with do , from do a beer to do you see the green in my eye?

  • The question is, of course, specious: the book is available now, for all to see, and if one does not need or want the more replete version, the “abridged” style of Neologisms may well suffice.

  • However, in this work the author is unable to convince this reader of the need for more such research, and I think the paper would have benefitted very much from an abridged presentation.

  • This edition, though abridged, is said to contain much material not included in the 1984 edition, published in the US by Macmillan.

  • Photocopies of letters and other writings by the Unabomber himself will also join the archive (all slightly abridged for the protection of privacy, that is).

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