Example sentences for: abduct

How can you use “abduct” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • The aliens, it seems, have traveled umpteen billion miles so they can abduct us from our beds and have sex with us.

  • Its very name became a verb in English: “to shanghai” meant to abduct by trickery or force.

  • Even today, Yanomamo men raid villages, kill men, and abduct women for procreative purposes.

  • The aliens who show up in the middle of the night and abduct people are notoriously stingy with information.

  • [ 16 ] . Significant improvements (P < 0.03, paired t-test) in these 18 subjects were seen in shoulder pain at rest and after motion, abduct range of motion of shoulder, flexibility (sit and reach), chair test, and 6-minute walk.

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