Example sentences for: abbreviation

How can you use “abbreviation” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • In 1933, however, some writer mysteriously decides that a new word is needed to represent the pronunciation of the abbreviation.

  • a word (as the noun book), hyphened or open compound (as the verb book-match or the noun book review), word element (as the affix pro-), abbreviation (as agt), verbalized symbol (as Na), or term (as man in the street) entered alphabetically in a dictionary for the purpose of definition or identification or expressly included as an inflected form (as the noun mice or the verb saw) or as a derived form (as the noun godlessness or the adverb globally) or related phrase (as one for the book) run on at its base word and usu.

  • Recently, three economists named Harold Cole, George Mailath, and Andrew Postlewaite (for whom I will use the collective abbreviation CMP) have proposed a compromise between the two theories: On the one hand, people do not care directly about their relative positions in the wealth distribution.

  • ' ( `Intern .,' by the way, is not listed in the book as an abbreviation for `International,' only int . and intl .) On the other hand, some entries that have historical value are in (like N.R.A.

  • The French adopted the habit as an intensifier of musculine nouns, proper and improper, and this too became mostly pejorative, as in mouchard sneak or informer (from mouche fly), and froussard coward (from frousse fright), and bastard , a trenchant abbreviation of fils de bast pack-saddle child.

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