Example sentences for: ocp

How can you use “ocp” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Genotyping calls were made as described in Methods, (Determination of Genotypes, Real Time OCP ligation/ERCA).

  • Since the 5' arm of the OCP has a Tm above that of the ligation temperature, the 5' arm hybridizes to its target in a stable manner, and SNP specificity is achieved via the 3' arm.

  • The reaction was heated to 95°C for 10 seconds, and cooled to 63-68°C for 5-20 minutes, during which time OCP annealed to genomic target and was circularized by ligase.

  • OCP ligation and ERCA reactions for each SNP target are performed in a single tube, and are easily scalable from 96 to 384 well formats, making OCP ligation/ ERCA ideal for high throughput screening.

  • The OCP backbone sequence connecting the target complementary 5' and 3' regions is unique for the two allele-specific OCPs.

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